Please choose a staging/scoring system from the body region menus on the left.
About RadStage
RadStage is a collection of calculators, staging tools, and guidelines
meant to streamline the radiology workflow by bringing frequently
used tools together in one easy-to-use place.
This list is curated by
Dr. Tom Anderson, a radiologist specializing in body imaging,
primarily for his own use, but shared freely for the benefit of all.
Many additional scoring and staging systems are planned, including, but
not limited to:
ACR recommendation tables
AAST laceration/hematoma scoring
Fracture grading
...and many others
Tips and Tricks
RadStage is mobile friendly and can be added to your smart phone's home screen
as if it were an app.
When entering numbers in any of the calculators, you can use the '-' and '+'
keys either at the top of your keyboard or on a number pad to navigate
between fields, just like you would use 'tab' and 'shift+tab'. If you're
using a number pad on your keyboard, your hand never needs to leave
number pad to enter data.
The calculators will submit automatically when enough fields have been filled in
and results will update each time there is a change to the information provided.
Press enter or move to a different field to submit the results.
Results will appear here automatically when all required data have been entered.